Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Spicy Twist On An Old Classic

This week's sandwich, in similar style to last week's sandwich, was lazy. To many who don't take the art of the sandwich seriously, my sandwich this week was far more than they would want to attempt, but for me I found my efforts this week laughable.

When I started this blog roughly 2 months ago, the initial purpose of it was to track my progress towards the eventual century ride. What actually ended up happening was I got super pumped about bragging about my sandwich creations. I found myself getting totally geeked over the thought of what next week's sandwich was going to be, and I was sort of losing a sense of what I set out for initially by starting this blog.

Sometime in the past couple of weeks, this viewpoint changed. As I'm creeping closer to the date of my century ride, my focus has been getting clearer. I'm not all of a sudden making terrible sandwiches, but I'm not as consumed by thinking about potential sandwich combinations as I was several weeks ago. I'd argue that this is a great thing, because it gives me hope that I'm actually focusing on the right thing.

The turkey club is a classic on almost any menu you'll ever see -- turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo, toast. It may not be the most exciting sandwich ever, but I find it hard to believe that there's a human being out there that, when presented with a turkey club sandwich, will respond with 'don't poison me with this garbage' (or something along those lines). My sandwich this week was my own personal spin on this popular sandwich.

The personal flair in this sandwich is it's spiciness. I bought some Wegman's Cajun Turkey, which has quite the kick to it, and topped that with jalepeno pepperjack cheese and then some chipotle mayo. I topped that all with fresh tomato and lettuce (no bacon, tried to keep some idea of health to this sandwich), and added some pickles and stuffed all of this in between 2 slightly toasted slices of bread. Great sandwich, but not legendary... Which is probably what almost everybody would say of a turkey club sandwich. It's never going to be in the Hall of Fame, but turkey clubs will always be a solid starting right fielder. I give this sandwich an 8.0/10.0.

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