Thursday, April 12, 2012

When I Stop Blogging...

A lot of information comes out all at once -- Envision a sandwich blog version of a pinched hose... I'm sure this is a common exercise for most.

Last week's sandwich was a re-run. This was partially because there were fewer days in the sandwich-eating week (Good Friday was off for us), but also because the egg salad sandwich was a success the week before, and I was interested to see if I could improve on it (I did! -- Less soupy, more eggy, and overall better proportions of ingredients). Also, I was lazy and totally did not want to come up with a new sandwich idea last week.

This week's sandwich is a PBJ. I'm losing my sandwich mojo -- What with coming back from Buffalo (woo Buffalo!) on Monday and another bout of laziness, I have officially made this sandwich hiatus a two week event. While this is a fairly disappointing thing for me, I hope to make it up over the next few weeks when both training and sandwich making should be kicking into high gear.

Speaking of training, much in the same vein as the sandwich-making, it has been as far from consistent as it really could be. Unfortunately we've had up and down weather, making commuting to and from work difficult to be consistent on. I'm still holding strong at around 50%, which I guess in early April isn't a terrible percentage.

Two weeks ago Ben, Erin and I embarked on a 50 mile ride on some familiar bike paths. Unfortunately the bike gods (bike path gods?) chose to negatively effect the ride and wrecked havoc on Erin's tires. She got out on her own the next day, but she was missed on the ride. In true 'one-persons-shitty-day-is-another-persons-best-day' style, I happened to feel better than I believe I'd ever felt on a long ride. Although I ended up exhausted after a 'mere' 50 miles, I felt fresh and solid the entire ride. If I feel that way for the century ride, than I will feel sorry for every bike riding record ever set.

Last weekend, as previously noted, I went to Buffalo with my wonderful wife for Easter. I went all-in on getting a really good ride in while there. I went and bought a bike rack at REI. I constructed a really gnarly ride along the Riverwalk. I was ready... Unfortunately for me, Buffalo at 6 AM in early April is, for lack of a better phrase, balls-fucking cold. Because of time restraints (Oh no, I had to go to Duff's... Poor me...), I wasn't able to get out there at any other time. So yea, I missed out on some serious biking, but I can't say I feel regretful about it.

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