Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It Begins

It seems only fitting that I would begin my March to Martinsburg during the actual month of March. It would also make sense that during the best sporting event of the entire year, March Madness, that I attempt to train for something that may be the craziest thing I've ever done. What doesn't make sense, however, is the fact that I'm calling it a March, when what I'm training for is actually a 100-mile bike race. Alliteration rolls off the tongue... Don't over think it.

I don't want to make a blog about straight up training... I find things like that totally unreadable: Monday, rode 11 miles in 53 minutes, gotta get my time up! Tuesday, rode 13.5 miles in 1:19, feeling great!... It's just super monotonous, and in all honesty it's really annoying and egotistical. Everyone knows that one person on facebook who updates their running stats every morning and muddies up the front page. Get over yourself. I don't really care about every minor step along the way. Give me the highlights. If you run a half marathon or fall into a sewer, that's the sort of thing I want to hear about in a training blog.

So I guess what I'm saying is that my aim of this blog is not self-serving. I don't have this delusion that everything I write is interesting, or even factually accurate. But what I do think this blog will provide me with is a way of keeping me honest. If I'm charting my progress during this whole thing, than having the steps published to everyone will put pressure on me to actually do what I need to do, and not puss out and be lazy. Discipline when it comes to physical activity has been, in the past, near non-existant.

End short essay.

Today, like what I plan on doing every Monday-Thursday until the race on May 21st, I biked to work. This is officially when I no longer say 'It's too cold' or 'I'm just tired this morning'. Every day, unless there is a torrential downpour outside during when I would commute in the morning, I'm biking. No Excuses. Good weather, good music, and good conditions. Today was about as ideal as it gets biking in the Mid-Atlantic at this time of year. It was cold, but totally bearable. My first long ride takes place on Saturday morning, so the intense stuff is still a ways away, but every journey begins with a step, I guess.

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